Saturday, July 29, 2006


More fun chores around the house this morning. The kitchen window fan was removed & cleaned & put away. The window was cleaned & insulated with clear film. Remember when I whined about the landlord putting in decks but not fixing important stuff? Like better windows? No? Anyhow. What else did we do? Vacuum. Fixed a hiding place for the remaining two ghost shrimp. Good thing they were only .25 each- they make great feeder fish.

After visiting everyone on my blogroll, I realized I still need to read a romantic suspense for AngieW's July challenge. I guess I'm doing better than last month- I totally forgot until after the 30th. Oops. The only RS I have is one of Anne Stuart's. Hope it's as good as her usual stuff. I normally dislike RS since they're often a bad hybrid.

Husband & I went for a short drive out to the Valley. Made sure we stayed on the tiny, mainly residential roads. Drove through a steady, cool rain & came out to baking heat on the other side. Saw an organic veg. farm & a pick your own peach orchard- closed for the day. A huge family farm given over to glass hothouses nurturing Lord only knows what behind the steam laden windows. Unfortunately, the real estate developers are slowly encroaching into the Valley. More & more fields & patches of trees now have signs along the edge of the road. Those looking for a respite from the rat race will have to move further & further out. It's sad, really. Just as it says in the song pretty soon all the treres will be in a tree museum & you'll have to pay to see them.

Gotta go- dinner's almost ready & then it's time to go for a run/jog/up-the-hill torture session. See ya tomorrow.

Friday, July 28, 2006

TV Night

We watched Hex & now we're watching Nightmares & Dreamscapes. The new Stephen King tv show? I think. Pretty intense stuff. Kinda reminds me of a modern, intense version Twilight Zone.

Hiked with the kids this morning. Over four miles & through a burn area. I'd not realized how much temperature difference tree cover makes, but the canopy free zones were substantially hotter & had different plants growing. Very very interesting. Age wise this is a young forest- less than 80 years old or so. It's different from the forests I grew up playing in along the edge of the White Mountain National Forest.

I suppose you could say that, really, the biggest revelation is how out of touch with the natural world I allowed myself to become. Maybe used to be? We've been hiking regularly for weeks now. Many things are coming back to me. Things I'd not realized I'd pushed aside. One thing is for sure- being in forests is good for your soul. Renewing. Refreshing.
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Thursday, July 27, 2006

4 Meme pt.2

The first time I did this was here. I'll answer again, though, things have changed a little since then. Plus I went to a friend's funeral this afternoon & I'm not up for posting anything more today. Sorry for the lack of a Thursday 13. I'm just not up for it.

4 Meme

1. Salesclerk
2. Bookseller
3. Pharmacy Technician
4. Nurses' Aide

Movies I'd watch repeatedly
2. Lion in Winter
3. Amelie
4. Casablanca

Places I've Lived

1. New Hampshire
2. Massachusetts
3. Maryland
4. Virginia

Favorite TV Shows

1. Most Haunted- Travel Channel
2. Hex- BBC America
3. Iron Chef- originals only
4. Cops- 'cuz Son #1 & I have watched this together since he was a teeny tiny tot

Vacation Spots

1. Cape Cod
2. Philadelphia
3. Bahamas
4. Grand Cayman

Websites I visit daily

1. 3 Fat Chicks
2. BBC News
3. Magnum Photos- one of the largest professional photography agencies in the world. HUGE archives. All photos copyrighted
4. Guerrilla Gardening- I love the photos & the fact that people are making more greenspaces in places where they're needed the most. Some beautiful photos too.

Favorite Foods

1. Homemade cheesecake
2. French onion soup
3. Napoleons- little French dictators are delicious
4. Anything covered in Bearnaise sauce

Places I'd Rather Be

1. New Zeland
2. Australia
3. Vancouver, British Columbia
4. Atlantic Maritime Canada

I'm supposed to end it with blogfriends who might answer, but I think most everyone has done this already.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Husband & I went to our favorite store- hands down- IKEA. Not the best quality & everything has to be put together. If you can read the 'universally understood diagrams' that is. Luckily for me, both Husband & Son #1 love that stuff. If you live in tight quarters IKEA's the best.

I need more shelving in my kitchen beside the freezer. I have a small three shelf rack, but I want something that'll go all the way up to the ceiling (or very nearly). IKEA is the only place that sells items that tall. What else? Oh yes. We need wardrobes in our room. The solitary closet is exactly one hanger deep & the exact width of the door. Barely enough room for one person, never mind two.

Somehow we got there with only half of the measurements we needed. Trying to get measurements over the phone via teenagers in an exercise in patience I didn't think I possessed. Two phone calls later we were in business. We've decided on the kitchen item, but the bedroom pieces will require more planning. The room is small enough that it can only be arranged one way & the wardrobes will have to fit precisely- no room for mistakes.

I swear I'm no (ok, except for books)- I love to throw things away. Ask anyone who knows me. I swear though, this place is challenging even for me. BTW- the new shelves going down the hall? Perfect length for my keepers. I've done some pruning & I've room on most of my bookshelves now. As opposed to there being little stacks here & there & doubleshelved in places. Triple in others.

Husband however has unusual ideas about books. If he's read them & likes them, he wants to keep them. So far so good. They can be packed into boxes & put away though. He has shelf space on a case in our bedroom. Empty now. "It's ok, honey," he tells me. "I know my books are still here. They don't have to be out on the shelves. Packed into boxes in the storage closet is fine." Is this odd to you? Maybe it's just me. I want to see my books. Especially the keepers & my grandpa's collection. OTOH, Sister is a devoted library patron & rarely keeps any of her books. (I'm always tardy returning them so I avoid libraries). My parents used to be HUGE book hoarders. Not lately though. Mother has been pruning the collection much to Father's discomfort.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Promotions & Anniversary Ideas

Drive by posting today. Husband found out he got a little promotion at work- the only nurse in his hospital to get either an increase or a bonus. YAY! This makes two years in a row for him! To celebrate the children & I have made a lemon cake glazed with raspberry preserves & topped with fruit. YUMMY. I'll have to run extra tomorrow, most likely.

Daughter is to visit the Grandparents & my Sister for a few days starting Saturday afternoon. The Grandmother wants Daughter to help paint a couple of rooms in the house. Grandfather most likely needs help in his garden- Daughter is too petite to drive the riding lawnmower. She can't reach the pedals. Poor thing.

Son #2 is visiting with the buddy who had to cancel last Friday. Turns out the emergerncy was his dad. The dad is a painter & fell & fractured his leg & had to go to the ER. Poor man. Now he's laid up from work.

Husband & I have concentrated on Ireland as a possible locale for next year's . Probably going to stay somewhere in county Mayo as it's the location of the site, Croagh Patrick.Castles, ruins & beaches all in one. I think we're likely to try & stay in a 'self catering' place- a small cabin or cottage rental. There were several near or on the sea that sound quite reasonable. Having my morning coffee on the beach. Listening to the waves at night. Walks in the sand & hikes along the shore. Husband swears the Irish must need more nurses...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tadpole Redux

As I promised previously, We hiked down to check on the tadpoles this afternoon. A tree has fallen across the very end of the trail- forcing me to hoist my overly round booty over the waist high trunk. It was quite a sight, let me tell you. Husband chose to go downstream & around via the rocks in the water.

It rained quite hard last night. We discovered that the water had run over most of the exposed rocks leaving them covered with silt & leaves. The pools were completely clouded with rust colored sediment, unlike last week. There were mounds of foam in the eddys- swirls of buff clouds that would have looked perfectly at home in any Starbucks.

Tadpole Hole, however, is a protected, deep, nearly still puddle guarded by a giant fallen log & enough of a lip of stone that the leetle froggies were safe from the onrushing rainwater. I think there were two batches of eggs because there were peppercorn size tadpoles & there were pea size tadpoles. It was dusk, so they were mostly still, but they would dart away if you swirled the water near them.

Daughter discovered a muddy, shallow puddle barely covered with water full of wild rice sized & colored critters. They were very very still & didn't have easily seen legs (or fins), but we think they might be a type of tadpole (any other ideas out there?). Sorry for the food metaphors, but it was all I could think of.

Anyhow, the plan is to return at the end of the week & check on 'our guys' as Son #2 calls them.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

American History Museum

Well, the museum was ok. The parts that hadn't been closed or dismantled were pretty good. The exhibit that was behind the cafeteria? Would've been helpful if the signage said it was only accessible when the cafeteria was open (the lunchbox exhibit). The Muppets? Only about 15 & they were in two different locations.

I was impressed with the transportation sections (old cars, trains, buses, boats, etc) was excellent. They even had a 1940's era orange school bus in there. Absolutely fascinating. The science displays- old computers, Pac Man & Big Blue amazed the kids. I noted that some of the negative, unforseen aspects of new science weren't glossed over. For example, Mme. Curie died of radiation from her experiments; factory workers from the 1930's died of radium poisoning when the glow in the dark watch dial ingredient built up in their system; falloout from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki; ecological damage; etc. There was a display discussing the social impact of birth control pills.

I'm very sad I waited so long to visit this particular museum. Much of it was closed & won't reopen until 2008. I've made a mental note to go back the year it opens.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm continuing on with the Pargeter book. So far it's quite good, although I'm no historian & my familiarity with English history would fit into a thimble. I'm depending on her reputation as an excellent historian to see me through.

Husband & I have been walking late in the evening to escape the daytime heat. It has been horridly humid even at night- 72% when we walked at 10 pm. I love to be out at night- it's quiet & starry & you get to annoy all of the neighborhood dogs simply by walking by the front yard.

I miss the trails though & the chance to be outside with the kids. Monday I plan to resume taking them to the park, I finally found the Camelback & we'll take that & a gallon jug for the car.

Son #2 has new rollerblades. He took them for a trial run as soon as we returned from the store. He reports they're much better than borrowing his sister's. His buddy had to reneg on an evening visit because of a family emergency so #2 is bummed.

Husband & children 1 & 2 are preparing to put up new shelves to house my romance keepers- YAY! I'm tight for space, but I think we've found a reasonable solution. They're installing a shelf above the doorjambs going down the hall & across my doorway at the end. I'd say far end, but that'd be a lie. LOL

Tomorrow we hope to visit the American History Museum to see: lunchboxes, Muppets, & antique cars among other things. Like Disney, Monk & Miles, flags & tons of other goodies.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Additions to the zoo

We've added to the family menagerie: 3 Comet goldfish (named Mercury, Halley & Shoemaker) & 6 ghost shrimp-as yet unnamed but destined to have shrimp dish related names. Husband was hoping for a tiny African dwarf frog but they didn't have any.

I've started reading A Bloody Field by Shrewsbury by Edith Pargeter, aka Ellis Peters. This is supposed to be a partial history of Henry IV, similar in theme to Shakespeare's histories. So far so good, as per usual with Peters/Pargeter.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006


We finally went to see it this afternoon. Only five other people in the theater, so no assault this time. Then again, this is a different theater. Fed the kids first, so no begging for outrageously priced popcorn.

Thoughts on the movie. There were quite a few nods to other action movies from days gone by: Phantom of the Opera; Indiana Jones; 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; several Star Wars among others. Turning giant corporations into the 'evil empire.' Keira Knightly's character as the impetus for change (ie: the love of a good woman- or trying to earn her love). The monkey & the parrot are back.

This one has many more threads & the weft of the story is tighter & more detailed than the first one. Too this is a summer adventure thriller- very visual, action packed & not terribly original. For me, that was ok. I expect to be entertained & excited, & that is exactly what I got.

Who was Davy Jones' lost music box owner & letter writer? Will the Evil Empire succeed now that they have such a powerful weapon? Is Keira Knightley's character as confused as she appears? Isn't the seeress in the swamp fascinating & wonderful? Like Daughter said, next summer can't get here fast enough, I think.

P.S.~ We downloaded one of the screensavers- I now have Cpt. Jack & Mr. Gibbs & the Pearl sailing across my toolbar. YAY :0
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

AC is a human right

Is it hot yet? The temps here have averaged in the high 90's for the last two or three days or so, forecast to continue through tomorrow. Thursday supposedly will cool off as far as the LOW 90's. Actually, the heat is ok. It's the energy bills I hate. 'Cuz as far as I'm concerned air conditioning is a universal human right, second only to freedom of speech.

The worst heat wave I've endured was the year we lived in San Antonio TX ('94-'95, I think). Even the natives thought it was hot that year. Temps were higher than 100 for over a month. Very dry heat though, so you didn't sweat since it evaporated right off of you. That was a plus for me though. I hate wandering around feeling damp. Only thing was, you had to carry ice water everywhere. If you let yourself get thirsty you were in big big trouble due to dehydration. Did I mention I was heavily pregnant with Son #2 that summer?! Made things quite exciting.

On the frog front, we plan to check on them later in the week. Pack up a picnic, bring a big jug of iced tea & towels so we can get all wet & muddy in the creek.

Still not reading.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Castles or beaches?

Last night Husband & I started discussing where we ought to go for our twentieth anniversary next September (2007). Husband gave me a brochure about Hawaii, although that has more to with reasons long ago in another lifetime, almost. More than his own preferences, I think. Besides, if we went out to the Islands, we'd want to stay & never return. :)

Personally, I'd like to go see castles & ruins. Which pretty much means Europe I think. Perhaps Venice since it's sinking. Or Vienna or Prague. I heard from a reliable source that Prague remains very Old World in feel. I wonder if EAP (see sidebar) agrees?

In the best of both worlds we could find a place where there are both castles/ruins & beaches. If anyone out there has ideas, please let me know. Sister says we ought to spend a week in France following Le Tour. Not a bad idea, actually. Amsterdam sounds nice too- I've heard there are lots of museums & parks & the people are friendly? Speaking of friendly- the Irish & the Scottish have a reputation as being quite friendly, whereas the English are less so?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Historicals Dead? Mushrooms & swamp foot

I'm lazy today. For a great conversation about the reasons behind the demise of interesting historically accurate romances, visit Tara. She has links to a fantastic blog post. Apparently the discussion originally started on the AAR ATBF & continues here at the ATBF message board.

Not that anyone who comes here would be surprised to hear me say, but I'm finding it increasingly hard to find quality historical romances. I'm turning more & more to other genres & returning to straight history. I've had serious struggles with romance for the last two years & I don't see the situation improving much. Most of my TBR came from the UBS as most of the books are older novels many of which are long out of print.

Family Interlude

We went for a longish (4 miles) trail hike yesterday in the damp. There are mushrooms galore in unique shapes & colors. This from a woman who loves the oddly shaped Japanese mushrooms, but somehow thought most 'American' mushrooms all were shaped like the button mushrooms in all of the markets. We even saw one that is pale blue with narrow concentric rings that resemble the rings seen on hand thrown pottery. Truly- it was blue. Supposedly a rare shade in plants. Then again, it was rainy & gloomy in that patch of woods.

We also found a puddle full of frog eggs, a rainbow shaped beaver dam, a large dark hole we decided had to be for Alice in Wonderland.What else happened? Oh yes, I slipped on a moss covered rock in the middle of the creek & walked three+ miles with swamp foot. Slush, thump, slush, thump. Repeat. Son #2 made me promise we'd return next week to check on the froggies to be (& play in the creek).

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thursday 13 #17- Tour de France

Warning: if you aren't a pro cycling fan you might as well skip this post. 13 thoughts about this year's Tour de France. As usual- click link above to see more participants & leave a link in the comments & I'll link to you here.

1. This year is much more interesting without Lance. Sacreligious of me to say so, I'm sure.

2. The Spanish doping scandal opened things up even more, although I miss watching Jan Ullrich & Ivan Basso.

3. Floyd Landis's dead hip joint was really scary looking & if I was his wife I'd be praying really hard that he comes home in one piece.

4. T Mobile appears to have much more depth than almost any other team that lost its GC leader in the Spanish doping scandal.

5. Who will be anointed new leader of Discovery? Johan Bruyneel is pretty darned cute too, ladies.

6. The German guy who dresses up as the devil & waves a trident is back in the mountains this year. I just saw him this morning- dressed in red & black.

7. I really want to buy an encyclopedia of world flags. I hate not knowing where all of those flags are from. BTW- the one rider from South Africa, Robert Hunter, has fans following the TDF route this year. Very cool. The South African flag is absolutely gorgeous.

8. Those Basque fans are pretty ardent aren't they?! Write all over the roads. Hang flags everywhere. Push their favorite riders up the mountains even though it's 'against the rules.'

9. Did you see the guy running down the center of the road with his shorts around his knees? Full moon rising, people. On live tv no less. Yesterday's coverage I think.

10. One of these days I'll be one of the cheering hoards clinging to the side of some astonomical mountain in France waving team flags & screaming myself silly.

11. I love the scenery. The tours of France & Italy (the Giro d'Italia) offer eye popping views of each country, especially for those of us who are unlikely to ever actually travel there.

12. Have you seen the newest diet books? The ones claiming French women don't get fat & that Mediterranean women are skinny too? Well, if you watch the crowds along the roads Europeans seem to come in all shapes & sizes just like Americans.

13. Only 10 more days to go. * WAAAAAAHHHHH*
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Evil Mom Strikes Again

Our children are sure to grow up & become utter slobs. I'll get telephone calls from concerned psychiatrists, "Mrs. Bookwormom, do you understand just how traumatized your ______ was by being forced to help ____________ as a child?! (Fill in the blank: dust, vaccuum, mop, load dishes, cook dinner, scrub bathrooms, etc.) As a responsible parent you should've been the one doing all the housework or else hired a maid. Your _____ will never be a well adjusted, productive member of society because of your laziness!"

Or else the psychiatrist will say, "Mrs.Bookwormom, do you understand just how traumatized your _________ was by being deprived of______________. (Fill in the blank: a McMansion, an XBox 360 & every game they make, ipod nano, tv & dvr & phone in their room, a chauffeur [mom] driven new SUV every year). Your child never fit in during his formative years & now his/her workaholism/type A/overdriven personality/materialism is all your fault!"

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nutrition & archiving

Still reading the Dr. Weil book, getting a bit bogged down by the extensive nutirional info. There are two possible reasons: a) I tend to read this later in the evening when I'm less aware- this isn't an issue with genre stuff, but is likely an error with non fiction & b) I've studied nutrition quite a bit on my own already much of this is not new info. I plan to continue reading it, however, some skimming will surely happen.

Working on starting an archive of books I've read & discussed. Computer time is limited lately due to general busyiness. It may take me awhile. Any suggestions or helpful insight welcome.

Monday, July 10, 2006

OMG- Teenage Drivers

HELP!! :O Son #1 has his driver's permit. I'm so not old enough to have a kid who can drive himself around. LOL ;) To be truthful, he's a year & a half (maybe even two years) over the minimum age but still..

We've driven twice around the local park where we walk because there's no traffic, it's hilly & curvy so he can practice maintaining speed & position in his lane. Today I let him drive us home and then to IKEA after I'd mentally planned a route that reduced merges & left turns. Obviously the interstate was totally out. I'm proud to say he did amazingly well.

I did too to be honest. My mother was terrible to drive with- she's a huge control freak & did very little to make me feel confident in my driving ability. I vowed that the day he got his permit & wanted/needed to drive that I would be very calm, collected & helpful. Relaxed posture, tone of voice & clear instructions. So far I've succeeded. I promised him he'd drive at least a little bit every day, slowly working up to such funatastic things as: highway speeds, on ramp merging, rush hour traffic, etc.

Virginia has many new rules regarding new drivers, which, to be honest, I'm grateful for. Over the last two years there have been several fatal accidents, all involving teens. Adult drivers are agressive enough- add inexperience & youth & it's a dangerous mix. Husband&I plan to take it very very slowly for his safety & our peace of mind.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hiking Weekend

Spent the weekend immersed in - namely . Husband, Daughter & I hiked a relatively flat but heavily overgrown local trail in the local Saturday afternoon.

Today all of us did another circular hike out in the northern end of the Blue Ridge Mts. Total of nearly five miles. The first two of which were straight up a ridge to the Appalachian Trail. Mercifully the trip back down (to the car- YAY!!) meandered along through spectacular meadows full of wildflowers, butterflies & bees. Watch out for the cow patties though.

Started reading Dr. Andrew Weil's Eating Well for Optimum Health last night. I'm not very far into it, but so far he makes quite a lot of sense. The quality of what you eat effects your health- mental & physical. Eat better quality (& quantity too most likely) & you'll feel better about yourself & be healthier.

Friday, July 07, 2006

1st Anniv. London

Via Random Reality Inspector Sands of Casino Avenue discusses the latest terrorist video clip & the first anniversary of the . Nee Naw also has comments.

I've nothing to say really, except that I remember & honor your loss & grief, that I'm sure you'll stand strong & steadfast, that there are those of us across the pond & all around the world who spent two minutes in silence today.

Image hosted by
by eka420

Image hosted by
by erinineurope2005

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by srseales

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday 13 #16- Exercise

Favorite routines here at Bookwormom Central:

1. Rollerblading along the Potomac

2. Trail hikes in our local national park

3. Interval walk/jog repeats

4. Hill-work in our neighborhood

5. Bike riding

6. DDR in the livingroom. I'm self conscious though & will only do this if I'm alone.

7. Plain walking (getting a little vanilla)

8. Mall walking~ although it's bad for the budget

9. Jumping up & down & screaming at the tv during world cup games- especially while watching Univision commentary

10. Ditto for Tour de France dailies

11. Hunting for lost teenagers (mine) in the local park. Turns out they're totally unable to follow simple verbal instructions. "Go to the end of the trail & turn left. Take the left fork at the next junction. It's less than a mile. The car is in the lot at the end of the 2nd trail. Here's a map in case you forget." Lest you worry, they're home again & eating plenty.

12. Nearly getting sideswiped on the interstate & hyperventialting. Side effect- your children learn lots of new vocabulary words.

13. Thinking up Thursday 13 posts.

Click link above to see more participants. Leave a link in the comments & I'll link to you.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

June Summary & YTD Stats

June Summary:

I only managed six titles this month & that only because of the TBR Challenge over at Romantic Times (on the Reader's Roundtable message board). All were romances, no mysteries or fantasy/sci fi this month.

1.My Heart Stood Still by Lynn Kurland- Time travel paranormal

2.The Wedding Clause by Debbie Raleigh- Traditional Regency

3.A Scandalous Marriage by Debbie Raleigh- Traditional Regency

4.Lord Nightengale's Triumph by Judith Lansdowne- Traditional Regency

5.The Captain's Castaway by Christine Scheel- Traditional Regency

6.Road to the Isle by Megan Davidson- Historical romance

YTD Stats

Total Books Read- 67
Mysteries- 1
Horror- 2
Fantasies- 8
Thrillers- 2
Mythology based romances- 1
Fantasy romances- 2
Traditional Regencies- 21
Historical Romances (Incl. long format Regencies)- 10
Paranormal Romances- 15
DNF- 5

Not very many, I know. Too, I accept that I'm shallow & lack the attention span to read classics or literary fiction. Even so, I only read 102 books in 2005 & I'm well on track to out pace myself this year. Thanks for the great idea, Tara!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006


I have read Potent Pleasures previously- I think when it was new. I enjoyed the portion I reread (about 120 pages), but I've five others by her in my TBR so I won't continue reading it. AG- I really enjoyed the 'reveal' regarding the Cyprian's Ball. I think the best part was at the end though- the birthday present in the postscript was the best part. I love a hero who grovels, LOL.

Husband & I went on a loong walk Sunday afternoon- nearly 8 miles. I was so tired. I can't tell you. The last bit was uphill- I made him sing me dirty jodies from the bad old days when he was in the infantry. You know the kind- they'll put you in your grave, some of them. Full of rape, pillage & mayhem. Totally unPC. I love 'em though.

Happy Canada Day!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hungry? Dinner is orange black beans out of the crock pot with cornbread, salsa, sour cream & cheese. No dessert tonight. Two loads of laundry done & folded. What else have I done? Dusted the livingroom. I'm ready to sit back & surf & watch tv.

Can you believe how many cyclists got caught in the doping scandal? The Tour de France will be even more wide open than anticipated. How about England's loss to Portugal? Or France beating Brazil? Or Scotsman Andy Murray beating Andy Roddick?

As far as cycling goes, Thor Hushovd, the Norwegian champion is my favorite. This afternoon he won the prologue. He's a sprinter though, so he likely won't win the overall. Ivan Basso was my other favorite, but he's out now due to being implicated in the doping scandal.

Anyhow- enough drooling for one day. Must go supervise Husband setting up my new XM SkyFi radio which arrived last night.

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