Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Review: The Pact by Drs. Davis, Jenkins & Hunt

A riveting memoir written by three childhood buddies who made an agreement (hence the title) during junior year in high school that they would see each other through college & medical school. This is their triumphant & heartbreaking story. Three at risk young men, living in harsh circumstances, manage to transform themselves against the odds. Sometimes struggling against their own inner demons & bad habits as much as struggling against society & circumstances.Temptaions are everywhere & teens rarely (if ever) think of the long term consequences of their actions.

They could have been anyone's boy. My own, yours, the kid two blocks over. Boys everywhere are needy, regardless of class, family economics or race. By the time kids reach middle school, they need more guidance, not less. More mentoring, more hope, more structured time. It is so easy to lose them & every single boy is a precious hope for the future. More than anything else this book is a cry for more male mentors & perhaps a light in the darkness for boys in danger of losing their way. "If I could do it, so can you."

I bought this because I have two teenagers & a tweeny, boys & a girl. I am the kind of mom who buys books & gives them to her kids, praying that in time, without nagging, the books will be read & the kid's heart will hear what is being said. I do discuss issues & events with them, but I think written reinforcement is never a bad thing. Besides, after a time, kids tune the adults out.

Click on the link above or THIS ONE for more information on this book, children at risk, mentoring & more.

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