Saturday, December 16, 2006


Just because.


Naomi Dathan said...

Kind of cracked me up, because I secretly hand sew when the machine is an option. It is relaxing but we're so used to the machine that it actually feels a little foolish to do it by hand . . .

Naomi (free books online)

CindyS said...

Wow! Listen to the crowd singing - you can barely hear the band!


Bob & Muffintop said...

Hi naomidathan- I hadn't hand sewn in so long, I really resisted it for awhile.

Cindy- This one caught my attention because of the flags, but I agree the crowd is loud.

Jenster said...

LOVE U2 - in fact, how funny is this? Our church started a three week series this morning called "U2 Christmas". It's pretty cool. Not only do we get to watch parts of U2 concerts, we get to see interviews with Bono. A bit unconventional, but that's what I like about it. lol


Bob & Muffintop said...

Jenster~ Bono's lyrics and some of his public comments often refer to faith and morality. I'd be very interested in what your church has put together!

Jenster said...

It's actually a series that other churches are doing also. Here's a link for a church in... I don't know. Somewhere. lol

Anyway, it provides a link for their video trailer.

Basically it's all about the love. lol Loving the unlovable like Christ - henceforth the name "Christians". He talks against things like your video games post. So far it's very good.
