Thursday, June 02, 2005

Book misers celebrate

I hope the New York Times doesn't sue me, but in today's online edition there is an article with LOTS of links to sites that sell books cheap. In for a Penny details various websites which sell, list, calculate or otherwise assist booklovers in finding used books dirt cheap.

Yes, I realize used bookstores are double edged swords, particularly from an author's POV, but my wallet sighs with relief anytime I can save a few bucks. Maybe I'll need those pennies to defend myself from the NYT, :P.


Tara Marie said...

I would be lost without UBSs. It impossible to find out of print books and I couldn't afford to feed my book addiction without them.

Anonymous said...

Me too. I buy new when I can but I'm just a poor college student(well, recently graduated...but details, details). I read too quickly to buy everything new. So, eBay is my friend.