Saturday, January 30, 2010

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Semester Hiatus

Due to my chronic inability to be organized enough to both post on the blog, take classes and maintain my sanity, posting here will be sporadic at best until the end of the semester, which is early May. I will post occasionally but generally I anticipate greatly reduced activity here until late spring. I'm sorry to do this but it's inevitable I'm afraid. See you then!

Friday, January 15, 2010

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Therefore today's post will come tomorrow! :p

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Best of 2009

All of the authors and titles are hyperlinked to reviews I've written or author's pages. In the case of Georgette Heyer I've linked to pages that detail her work or the specific title I'm referring to. I hope 2009 was an enjoyable reading year for you too!

Best Book of 2009~

The Risen Empire and The Killing of Worlds; Scott Westerfeld

Best New to Me Authors~

1. Ariana Franklin
2. Georgette Heyer
3. Linnea Sinclair

Best Mystery~
Contemporary~ The Midnight Choir; Gene Kerrigan
Historical~ Mistress of the Art of Death; Ariana Franklin

Best Fantasy~ Scar Night, Alan Campbell

Best Science Fiction~

1. The Risen Empire, Scott Westerfeld (duology)
2. The Moon's Shadow; Catherine Asaro
3. The Ruby Dice; Catherine Asaro

Best Romance~ Hope's Folly- Linnea Sinclair

Best of the Rest~

1. Death Wore White; Jim Kelly
2. In Defense of Food; Michael Pollan
3. The War of the Flowers; Tad Williams
4. Devil's Cub; Georgette Heyer
5. Frederica; Georgette Heyer
6. These Old Shades; Georgette Heyer

Monday, January 11, 2010

2009 Annual Statistics

And the grand total for the year is......65! Not too bad considering going back to school totally sank both my reading statistics and my blog. Not reading much romance these last few months, and these next few aren't looking great either, at least for romance reading. Vampires, though, are totally on the upswing.

2005~ 102 2006~ 104 2007~ 64 2008~ 88

General Fiction~

Chick Lit- 1
Children's Fantasy- 1
Christian Thriller- 1
Christian Women's Fiction- 1
Diet & Health- 0
Erotica- 1
Fantasies- 11
Fictionalized Memoir- 2
Historical Fiction- 1
Historical Mysteries- 2
Horror- 1
Literary Criticism- 1
Literature- 0
Manga- 2
Metaphysics- 1
Mystery, Contemporary- 5
Mystery, Historical- 4
Science Fiction- 4
Sociology- 2
Thrillers- 0
Travelogue/ex-pat adventure- 0
Women's Fiction- 2


Contemporary Suspense- 0
Fantasy- 1
Historical- 13
Medieval- 1
Mythology- 0
Paranormal Vampire- 3
Science Fiction- 1
Time Travel- 0
Traditional Regencies- 2

YA Paranormal/fantasy- 1
YA romance- 0
YA Chicklet- 0

DNF- 6

Sunday, January 03, 2010

I Heard a Bird Sing; Oliver Herford

I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December

A magical thing

And sweet to remember:

"We are nearer to Spring

Than we were in September,"

I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December